M1100 Luminesan oksijen sensörü, hatta monte edilebilir, 0-2000ppb, 12mm PG-13.5 bağlantı elemanı ile

Ürün Numarası: M1100-S10
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M1100 Luminesan Çözünmüş Oksijen Sensörü ile birada oksijen ölçümü yapabilirsiniz.

Sensor for the determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) in beer (bypass) and de-aerated water.

The M1100 Oxygen sensor has an unbeatable precision of 0.8 ppb and a limit of detection of 0.6 ppb. Such accurate measurement readings are essential to control low oxygen levels in beer.
The absence of membrane and electrolyte means that the sensor accuracy is unaffected by process changes or pressure shocks. Maintenance and operating costs are also reduced. The sensor has been designed to ensure mechanical robustness and resistance to CIP processes to extend operational lifetime and optimise its total cost of ownership.
The quick response time comes from a two second measurement frequency. Capable of measuring accurately at this frequency over a 12 month period.

  • Minimum kayma ve yıllık kalibrasyon
  • Yüksek hassasiyette, ppb mertebesinde oksijen ölçümü
  • Membran ve elektrolit olmayan, dayanıklı optik teknoloji
  • Düşük maliyetli yükseltme paketi